Sunday, December 25, 2016

Albert I.O.

do some Albert in for the Holidays!  No seriously get ranked take a screen shot of your -# 1 seed.
I will be awarding credit for activity/ accuracy 1->5

Monday, December 5, 2016


Start with this

The Mechanical Universe: 15. Conservation of... by physics-lnr

  • Read chapter summary 
    • Read the chapter
  • 1.     What factors affect the collision of two objects?
    2.     How can you determine if a collision is elastic or inelastic?
    3.     How can changes in momentum be used to determine the net force applied to an object?


  • By the end of this unit, students will know:
    ·         Perfectly elastic collisions of objects moving in arbitrary directions

    ·         The effect of impulse at an arbitrary angle to initial velocity

    ·         Inelastic collisions of objects moving in arbitrary directions

    ·         Collisions: Perfectly elastic, perfectly inelastic, inelastic

    ·         Conservation of momentum with objects moving in arbitrary directions

    By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
    • Describe the relationship between impulse and momentum
    • Use conservation of momentum to solve problems
    • Understand the differences between different types of collisions
    • How to find the center of mass of an object